A guide for crypto traders and a technical analysis of a popular Binance Smart Chain smart contract scam resulting in an inability to swap a token back due to transferFrom error on PancakeSwap.

Yesterday I received a message from TokenSniffer regarding another token SafeBinance with swapping issues and a clue that there is a weird instruction restricting somehow a to address in a transfer function. As a result users received a strange error message like the on in the screenshot.

Error message indicating scam

As it turns out the token might be a part of a bigger scam campaign and cool TokenSniffer's feature listed multiple similar tokens deployed during the last few days. Here are a few examples:

  • SafeRocket
  • SafeCoinToken
  • FairSafeApe
  • and many more (you can find TokenSniffer's similar token contracts feature, similarity score 0.9362 seems to match them quite well).

The initial #SCAMToken target was #SafeBinance, but when I checked the message and similar tokens it turned out there was a newer one (#SafeRocker) released a few mins earlier and looked like it is still active, so I decided to start with that one.

For quick info how to recognize this exact scam for non-tech people, go to for traders section.



The scammer uses a condition in transferFrom methods to block transfers originating from PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool for the scam. The address of the PancakeSwap LP is set during the very first interaction of the pool with the contract via add liquidity at the beginning, so the variable newun is set exactly to the address of a Liquidity Pool for that token. When the variable is set swaps back are not working as contract blocks transfers from Liquidity pool to the users, wht results in transferFrom error message in PancakeSwap. The value of the coin increases and due to the AMM mechanics the scammer to cash out pulls back his LP token with a profit.

For Traders

  • the SCAMToken has a total supply of 1,000,000,000,000,000 tokens and 18 decimals and all of the similar ones have exactly the same total supply, but it's quite a weak indicator of this scam and can be easily modified by the scammers
  • nearly all transactions are from PancakeSwap: <SCAM TOKEN Liquidity pool> to the victim address (swapping something to SCAMToken) and there are very few where the recipient is different indicating that people are buying tokens only and nobody is actually swapping it back (also typical for fresh tokens where people tend to hold at the beginning)
  • IMPORTANT go to BSCScan and the contract of the token, for instance in this SCAMToken https://bscscan.com/address/0x331bb194dc931c79351234733d69dc0f6b8b482a#readContract and look for newun variable or any other variable (if scammer renames it) which is set to the address of the PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool of that SCAMToken
  • In the transactions log it looks like:
    • the very first (oldest) transaction is as usual generate coins from the 0x0 address to the contract's owner wallet
    • the next one (second oldest) is a regular transfer of a big part of the supply to a dead address (burn)
    • then the scammer adds liquidity to PancakeSwap and sets the newun variable
    • from this moment users are able to swap to SCAMToken, but they are not able to swap-back, due to a blocked transfers from PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool
  • to cash out the scammer pulls the liquidity with a profit

Technical Analysis


To understand the scam a brief high-level knoweldge of a swap transaction performed by DEX like PancakeSwap is necessary. I'm neither solidity nor a blockchain developer, thus it's a pure analysis based on a notepad, bscscan.com and google. I read my own swapping transactions and the code of the contract and came up with a hypothesis how it works. Naturally, solidity developers are more than welcome to point out anything that is wrong in the proces I described. Just drop me a message.

PancakeSwap swap transactions

Swap BNB->SomeToken

Basically when somebody wants to buy a token on PancakeSwap or a similar decentralized exchange he or she needs to swap usually some BNB (in case of the Binance Smart Chain) for the final token he or she wants. Swapping different tokens than the main network's token are also possible, but it complicates the process, so BNB->SomeToken is a basic and the easiest example and will be the base for the analysis.

After a swap a new transaction should be present in the wallet and it can be reviewed in BscScan. The transaction's details consists of this the most crucial fields:

From: <buyer wallet address>
To  : <contract address of PancakeRouter>
Tokens Transferred:
    From PancakeSwap Router 
           to PancakeSwap: SomeToken Liquidity Pool (BNB buyer pays)
    From PancakeSwap Some Token Liquidity Pool 
           to <buyer wallet address> (some number of SomeToken)

In the Logs tab in BscScan there is even more details regarding the transcation and Transaction Receipt Event Logs lists all events emitted by executed contracts' functions. In short it lists the following 5 events:

1. Deposit BNB from buyer's wallet to PancakeSwap Router
2. Transfer deposited BNB from PancakeSwap Router to PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool for SomeToken
3. (IMPORTANT) Transfer form PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool for SomeToken to buyer's wallet
4. PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool sync.
5. PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool swap

Events 1 and 2 involve BNB contract (WBNB to be more precise in my cases). Actions 3 involves SomeToken's contract (invoking transferFrom method from SomeToken's contract and generating Transfer event). Actions 4 and 5 are involving PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool for SomeToken contract.

Swap SomeToken->BNB

The swap back process looks very similar, but it first requires an Approval action, which takes only network's fee and allows to swap SomeToken to other token. After confirming that it will be visible in wallet's transactions list, however details or approval are irrelevant for this analysis. Then the actual swap can be done and when it is performed it will be also listed in wallet's transactions list as following (the most crucial fields):

    From: <buyer's wallet address>
    Interacted With (To): <contract address of PancakeRouter>
    Transaction action: Swap
    Tokens Transferred:
        From <buyer's wallet> to PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool for SomeToken
        From PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool for SomeToken to PancakeSwap Router

Again in details in Logs tab events can be previewed and in short it lists the following 6 events:

1. (IMPORTANT) Transfer SomeToken from buyer's wallet to PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool of SomeToken
2. (IMPORTANT) Approval
3. Transfer BNB from PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool to PancakeSwap Router
4. PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool for SomeToken sync
5. PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool for SomeToken swap
6. Withdrawal BNB

Actions 1 and 2 interact with SomeToken's contract (transferFrom), action 3 interacts with BNB (WBNB) contract, action 4 and 5 interacts with PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool and the last one does the withdrawal and it involves BNB (WBNB) contract.

Add liquidity (super short version)

To make the description complete, there is a last puzzle in this whole process, so liquidity adding. In short to allow swapping a funds of both tokens of the pair has to be added to the liquidity pool. It can be seen in the transaction's log of the token as and entry with annotation in Transaction Action field like

Transaction Action: Add XXX SAFEROCKET And YYY BNB Liquidity To PancakeSwap

Wihtout diving into details the add liquidity generates 8 log events and in short they are:

1. PairCreated (Involving PancakeSwap factory contract) creating an address of PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool of SomeToken
2. (IMPORTANT) Transfer (Involving transferFrom method of SomeToken's contract) to transfer SomeToken funds of the person adding liquidity
3. Deposit BNB in PancakeSwap router (Involving BNB contract)
4. Transfer deposited BNB from PancakeSwap router to PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool of SomeToken

5 to 8 log events are handling PancakeSwap LiquidityPool tokens, sent to the person adding liquidity.

At the beginning action 1 creates a pari using PancakeSwap router and then there is a transfer. This action 2 (Transfer) is the most important in this analysis as it invokes transferFrom method inside the SomeToken's contract. Later there is a transfer of the second token and Liquidity Pool token distribution.

The actual scam in SafeRocket (SafeBinance) and the whole family

SafeRocket: https://bscscan.com/token/0x331bb194dc931c79351234733d69dc0f6b8b482a

With the basics behind swap described it should be easy to understand how this scam works in details.

During the swap process, there are a few places where the code of the contract is invoked and that code was written by a malicious developer (or copy-pasted), thus can cause the malfunction. In the previous description all such places were marked as (IMPORTANT) and below you can find the listing of the most crucial invoked methods: transfernewun, transfer, approval and transferFrom.

    function transfernewun(address _newun) public onlyOwner {
      newun = _newun;

    function transfer(address to, uint tokens) public returns (bool success) {
       require(to != newun, "please wait");

      balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(tokens);
      balances[to] = balances[to].add(tokens);
      emit Transfer(msg.sender, to, tokens);
      return true;

    function approve(address spender, uint tokens) public returns (bool success) {
      allowed[msg.sender][spender] = tokens;
      emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, tokens);
      return true;

    function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint tokens) public returns (bool success) {
        if(from != address(0) && newun == address(0)) newun = to;
        else require(to != newun, "please wait");

      balances[from] = balances[from].sub(tokens);
      allowed[from][msg.sender] = allowed[from][msg.sender].sub(tokens);
      balances[to] = balances[to].add(tokens);
      emit Transfer(from, to, tokens);
      return true;

The first method can be used to manually set the newun variable which is unitialized at the beginning and only the owner of the contract can invoke. This variable is indeed an important clue.

The initial clue regarding weird instruction and variable was about the variable and the require(to != nwun, "please wait"); statement in the second method - transfer. That method is used to do normal transfers between wallets. The require instruction is a common programming pattern to ensure the conditions are met before the code is executed. If the conditions are not met, the code should not proceed. In this case the first transfer method contains a simple check:

require(to != newun, "please wait");

The condition is fulfilled if to does not equal newun. So basically it simply prevents sending funds to whatever address is behind variable newun. At the very beginning when the contract is deployed the newun address is unitialized.

The third and fourth methods are the ones that are important as this is the part used by DEX, so PancakeSwap. approve and transferFrom are used to do the swap operation. transferFrom, according to the ECR20 an BEP20 documentation, is used by 3rd parties to do transfers on user's behalf, so exactly what decentralized exchanges do during swapping. In this case the crucial part for the scam is the condition at the beginning of the transferFrom function which is:

function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint tokens) public returns (bool success) {
    if(from != address(0) && newun == address(0)) newun = to;
    else require(to != newun, "please wait");


The code uses the condition to set newun variable and require instruction to block the processing of the function. To easier analyse it here is a more readable (Java-like) snippet.

// If somebody (not 0x0) sends funds and newun is 0x0, initialize it to the address of the recipient
if(from != address(0) && newun == address(0)) {
    newun = to;
else {
    // Block if funds are transferred to address same as in newun
    require(to != newun, "please wait");

What this code basicaly does can be described:

  • when the from address is not 0x0 and newun is set to 0x0, initialize the newun variable and set it to to paramter
    • otherwise make sure the processing is stopped if the funds are sent to the address stored in newun variable

The require statement is exactly the same mechanism as in the transfer method, so to prevent sending funds to some address. However, that address is nowhere in the code initially, instead it is set during the peculiar moment in time, during the first invocation of the transferFrom method and when the from address is not 0x0 or at any point in time when the owner of the contract invokes manually transfernewun, which only he can invoke. Those are two methods to set the address to some value and block transactions.

With this information and after reviewing the first transactions of SafeRocket token the following happens.

  1. Contract is created and the initial transfer is done, so max supply is transferred to the owner of the contract from 0x0 address. Solidity developer could help me out here as I'm guessing this action involves transfer method rather than transferFrom, but anyway the newun variable is not initialized, the recipient is the owner of the contract so the transfer is successful.
  2. The owner burns tokens by sending them to 0x…dead address.
  3. The owner does the very first PancakeSwap operation which (add liqudity), as described in general info about swapping, involves transferFrom of the SCAMToken's contract while the newun variable is not initialized. In this operation the from address is not 0x0, it is set to the address of a wallet of the owner and to is the address of the Liquidity Pool. It results in setting the newun address to PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool of SCAMToken's address.
  4. From now on all transferFrom operations where to is set to PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool of SCAMToken's address will be blocked as this value is in newun variable and statement require(to != newun, "please wait") in transfrFrom method is blocked.

Thanks & Final thoughts

  • thanks to TokenSniffer for giving a lead on this scam, screenshots and validating the flow
  • thanks to Solidity devs: Alex Vinogradov for validating the approve-transferFrom flow during add liquidity
  • msg @cryptot3ddybear on Twitter if you found a scam and want to know how it works or increase your chances to not fell for it again

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